
The posted "Workouts of the Day" (WODs) are invitations to test your potential only if you are truly ready to accept them. Nothing posted on this site is a steadfast requirement, it's just what we choose to do...and we take full responsibility for our actions. You should too. Be honest about your fitness and scale your training accordingly. Be honest about your capacities and scale your ambition accordingly.
Please consult a physician before starting any new exercise or nutrition program. If you are injured, pregnant or have a medical condition some of the exercises/workouts on this site may not be suitable for you or may need to be scaled down to your current fitness level. Anita's Absolute Fitness assumes no responsibility for how you use the information presented on this site. Always use common sense when exercising, both for your safety and for the safety of those around you.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Front Squat8-8-8
Then...AMRAP in 15 min
20 Double-unders
15 KB Swings
10 Push-ups

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